GEOoffice - geologie, geochemie, geotechnika ...

HYDROGEOLOGY ENGENEERING GEOLOGY CONTAMINATE GEOLOGY GEOCHEMISTRY GEOTECHNICS consulting projects recheches surveys expertises supervision implementation

Hydrogeological surveys, risk assessments

  • Hydrogeological surveys and expertises for water authority proceedings conected with projecting and implementation of wells and their protectives zones. 


  • Drilled wells and pumping tests


  • Hydrogeological surveys and expertises for infiltration of atmosferical and waste water in unsaturated soils, design of infiltartion objects (grove, shaft, ...).
  • Hydrogeological expertises and surveys for assesment of water chemistry, individual or periodical sampling and physikal-chemistry parameters monitoroing of ground-, surfays-, dumps-, waste- and drinking water.
  • Projecting, implemantation and pursuit of systems for monitoring of ground water quality and its dynamic (industrial and agriculture areas, dumps, graveyards, building sites, protective zones of wells, etc.).


  • Pasporting of water resources, implementation and evaluation of pumping tests.
  • Ground water modelling include modeling of distribution of contamination.