GEOoffice - geologie, geochemie, geotechnika ...

HYDROGEOLOGY ENGENEERING GEOLOGY CONTAMINATE GEOLOGY GEOCHEMISTRY GEOTECHNICS consulting projects recheches surveys expertises supervision implementation

Certificate and authorisation

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We are holder of Certification of Environment Ministery for projecting, implemmentation and evaluation of geological works in field hydrogeology, remediation, engeneering geology, geochemistry and environment geology and Authorisation of ČKAIT in field geotechnics and projection of water works.


List of trades:


  • geological works
  • treatment with danger and other waste
  • brokerage of business and services
  • wholsale and retail
  • consulting, implementation of expertises
  • testing, measurement, analysing and controling
  • practise of water suplay system, treatmen of water
  • projection in building-up
  • construction fo buildings, their changes and removing
  • technical services
  • after-scholl education and edification, practice of courses and trainings include lectures activities.

Trade licences

From regulated trade we practise geological works, treatmen with danger waste ...

List No.1





Certification of Environment Ministery for projecting, implemmentation and evaluation of geological works in field hydrogeology, remediation, engeneering geology, geochemistry and environment geology

Hydrogeology and contaminated geology - Radim Ptáček




Other certifications

In March 2011 we reached new certification of Czech Mining Institute ...

Expert for Risk assessment of waste placement




Authorisation of ČKAIT

Authorisation of ČKAIT in field geotechnics.