GEOoffice - geologie, geochemie, geotechnika ...

HYDROGEOLOGY ENGENEERING GEOLOGY CONTAMINATE GEOLOGY GEOCHEMISTRY GEOTECHNICS consulting projects recheches surveys expertises supervision implementation

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GEOoffice, L.t.d. was grounded as specialized geological office in 2008. Company provides services as for individuals and project agencies, as for investors, several production-, building-, and energy corporations, state and municipal institutions. Spectrum of our activities contents consultations, recherches, projects, expertises, surveys and works conected with:


  • hydrogeological expertises and surveys, building of water monitoring systems and wells,
  • complete surveys for construction purposes,
  • solution and displacement of ecological demage,
  • quality monitoring of ground-, surface-, waste- and drinking water,
  • consulting in field of water management, industriel ecology and waste management.

Our team base on longtime experiences, speciality, profesionality and especially on individual approach a custommer.  That's why we provide as part of our order completely solution include representationt by negotiations with authority.


Our Company support actively a non profit sector in field of youth education and youth exchanges, in field of european voluntary service, and in field of Travelling and Word cognition, include their propagation and edification.